$310.00 AUD

3 monthly payments

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Become An Artist From Home (Self Guided Term)


Your ✎ go-to, affordable course ♡ for starting a side-hustle the simple way ♛ even if you ☆ have no idea where to start.

Inside this 6 week course you'll get:

  • creative things, like naming your biz, creating a logo, social media content, colours, fronts and all the fun things…
  • technical things, like building a website, learning digital tools, creating an online presence, and making sales.
  • business things, like registering your biz properly - all the *important* stuff like taxes, super and your unique must-have business number.
  • people things, like joining a supportive community of fellow artists, gaining confidence, networking, and PR

→ Get sales while you sleep
→ Make yourself proud
→ Feel creative and fulfilled
→ Be your own boss
→ Quit your day job